Personal Injury
- Personal Injury
Five samples of most recent personal injury recoveries:
1. $6 million – Assault by casino security officers
2. $870,000 – Passenger thrown from golf cart
3. $650,000 – Motorcycle accident
4. $625,000 – Injuries caused by casino security officers
5. $515,000 – Exercise equipment malfunction at gym
We offer FREE Personal injury consultations
What Makes Relief Lawyers Different from Other Personal Injury Law Firms?
What can we say that you haven’t already heard from the personal injury attorney ads you have seen over your lifetime? How about the TRUTH.
The TRUTH is that a law firm’s size does matter in SOME cases. Is it better to have a law firm that is bigger? Sometimes it is. Larger law firms usually have more money and attorneys to throw at CERTAIN cases, but not all their cases. That’s right: they do not spend their size and resources on all cases equally. Most of those TV and billboard attorneys sign up hundreds or even thousands of cases a year. They have huge offices that process their cases in order to move that many cases through the system – much like when Ford builds a car on the assembly line. None of the employees knows you or knows the details of your whole case. Many (if now most) of the employees knows nothing about how a personal injury case is actually litigated. One person’s job is to do the initial meeting with the client, another person’s job is to gather photos and information from the client (you), someone else is then tasked with ordering your medical records from your doctors, a different person’s job is to scan your medical records into the system once they are received, another person’s job is to categorize those medical records and organize them into a time-line, another person’s job is to put together a spreadsheet of your medical providers, etc. Nobody really knows you or your case very well, are or even knows what the end product is supposed to look like. If your case happens to be the one-in-a-thousand cases which is potentially worth a lot of money, then those firms will usually farm out the case to trial attorneys and take a cut of the case. Their advertising campaigns are used the same way miners would pan for gold. They sift through a lot of muddy cases to find the few golden ones. And when they do, they typically send the golden cases to someone else to file suit and litigate.
You may ask, how do you know this? Well, some of our staff used to work for those other firms. Also, over the years we have hired many legal assistants and paralegals who have many years of experience from those mega firms, they show up completely ignorant on what a person injury case really is about. They are experts in ordering medical records, or in drafting demand letters, but know very little else.
So, why would a law firm treat their clients and cases this way? Well, because they are panning for gold.
Who Can Sue For Personal Injury?
Anybody who is injured as a result an accident or a mistake made by someone else. If you are injured because of somebody else’s mistake or negligence, you may hear some say “Well, that’s life. Bad things happen. Deal with it and move on.” In most cases, we do not have such an attitude. The reason why we all have insurance is so that we can have the necessary funds set aside to cure the injuries caused by accidents.
Common Cases We Handle:
Injuries or even wrongful death can be caused by almost any scenario. The most common circumstances that we see resulting in personal injury cases are as follows:
- Automobile Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Slip and Falls/Trip and Falls
- Dog Bites/Animal Bites
- Drunk Driver Accidents
- Uber/Lyft/Rideshare Accidents
- Assaults by Security Guards or Employees
- Product Defects
- Bicycle Accidents
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Inadequate Security
- Mishandling of Human Remains
- Negligent Child Care
- Negligent Elder Care
- Pedestrian Accident
- Spine Injury
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Wrongful Death

What is the Statute of Limitations in Nevada Injury Cases?
The statute of limitations in Nevada is a critical point in the ability to recover compensation. Nevada law NRS 11.010 restricts the time in which an injured person has the right to file suit against a negligent party:
- Personal Injury and Wrongful Death: A personal injury caused by a faulty or defective product must be filed within two years. [Nev. Rev. Stat. § 11.190(4)(e)].
- Product Liability: Cases of injury from a faulty or defective product must be filed within two years.
- Medical Malpractice: These injury or wrongful death cases must be acted upon quickly, as the statute of limitations allows for one year to file from the date the condition, illness or disease is discovered, although some extensions may be possible (NRS 41A).
- Cases Filed Against the City, County, State or Other Governmental Agency: These cases have specific filing requirements that must be managed correctly.
The sad reality is that insurance companies and defense attorneys will routinely discredit and refuse to pay full compensation for claims that have treatment which is delayed or which has breaks in care. What does delayed or breaks mean? Well, a common tactic for defense counsel is to claim that medical care that started a week or more after the accident, was likely the result of and caused by something else, or to call a one week without treatment a “gap in treatment”.
This unrealisted
In order to recover
What if I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt or wearing a helmet?
We handle all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that we advance the time and costs, and that you don’t pay us anything unless we win.
This unrealisted
In order to recover